Only Papaya
High Antioxidants with OnlyPapaya Skin Care Products
Optimised fresh Australian Paw Paw extract (known as OPAL A) is used in the manufacture of OnlyPapaya skin care products. Onlypapaya is the only Australian skin care range that contains this special ingredient.
OPAL A stabilies OnlyPapaya Skin Care Products
The Paw Paw extract enzymes used in OPAL A is an age old treatment for skin disorders and treatments and is recognised for its high antioxidants content. OnlyPapaya skin care is ideal for sensitive skin and helps soothe, moisturise and rejuvenate your skin making it feel soft and smooth. Try OnlyPapaya serum for a skin-brightening facial treatment.
Paw Paw is the basic ingredient of OnlyPapaya Skin Care
OnlyPapaya support Australian growers and the paw paw fruit is fresh straight from the farm.
Good skin comes with good health. Papaya is nutrient packed with many vitamins and minerals for good health. Go ahead reap the benefits of the paw paw fruit and use OnlyPapaya skin care products and remove skin blemishes and dark patches. All OnlyPapaya skin care products are available from Natural Health Organics online health store.