Arthritis and Inflammation

Do you suffer from Joint Pain, Swelling and Stiffness

The world is growing and so is its population. In this due course, there prevail a lot of diseases. These diseases can be sometimes deadly and sometimes not so severe. However, among them some classes of diseases are also such where in the body’s own cells are considered as foreign entities and the immune system attacks them. This results in a condition where the immune system itself kills the body cells which in turn will affect the body. Such a condition is termed as autoimmune disease.

Inflammatory arthritis is a disease that falls under this category. Arthritis and inflammation goes hand in hand as inflammation is a character that is possessed by arthritis. Inflammation comprises of swollen parts in the body which marks the war that is going on between the WBC’s (white blood cells) and body cells continuously. However, arthritis and inflammation is connected by the fact that any person suffering from arthritis has inflammation in the body joints. This is a typical character that proves arthritis.

Coming to arthritis, it is again classified into many different types, viz.

  • Rheumatoid
  • Psoriatic
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Among them again the first one, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis is most common and has the highest occurrence percentage. Rheumatoid arthritis is completely associated with inflammatory body response; however, osteoarthritis is not believed to have such a character.

Rheumatoid arthritis is typically caused due to an infection that would lead to a fever called rheumatoid fever. This fever as side effect affects the joints and thus falls under arthritis. Severe inflammation is observed due to the infection. Osteoarthritis on the other hand localizes itself at the bone joints and causes severe pain. Also, it brings in stiffness and a phase of excruciating pain. The joints swell up and it reduces motion. This in turn degrades physical strength. The age group that marks the most common occurrence is 30-40.

Other general symptoms of arthritis include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Redness.
  • Loss of joint function.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Fatigue/loss of energy.

Inflammation is not rooted to the fact that only if you notice a bulge on your body. The actual scenario is different. Body fights inflammation and release certain defense chemicals in the affected region. This will signal the WBC’s and there will be sudden influx of the same. The chemicals that are later released from the affected tissues will form the swelling.

Arthritis and inflammation is not deadly but will severely take one down and leave the body useless.

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