Colds, Flu, Sore Throat, and Cough

Enhance the Immune System Fight Coughs and Colds

Imagine a day that the body says, ah! I need rest and shuts off the resistance system. That is tech savvy language switches off the firewall. All will get affected and the body shall see the last. Yes, such severe condition might occur if the body’s immune system fails. To keep it up and running, the immune system has to stay healthy and fit in itself. To ensure that the system stays always fine diet should be proper and sound. An air sample around you will show how many millions of microorganisms are present in the air. All of these are fought constantly by the immune system.

Get Relief for that Chesty Cough

Often, it happens that the immune system is not able to cope up with the increasing population outside and tends to fall weak. This sends and information back to the brain for additional forces are deployed. In order to do this the body will feel very weak and thus the body will come into a state of fever. Fever is not a disease but a symptom that the body is fighting something serious inside. Fever is also accompanied by cold and sore throat. Cold is a condition where in the mucus is accumulated and one will suffer from heavy voice and running nose. Also, when the infection is very severe, throat infection follows that will make the patient have a sore throat. Sore throat, running nose and fever will take a severe toll on the body and it might fell weak to the core. Severe conditions will be attended by specialized doctors, however, even severe if it goes will need expert medical attention.

Need Assistance for that Sore Throat

The infections can be of viral or bacterial origin. Together all the above conditions are categorized under flu. Flu is generally virus that keeps mutating itself from one form to another. General flu can be tackled by the use of antibiotics but serious ones will need a lot of attention and care. Swine flu (H1N1) is a flu that is difficult to control and treat. It is often advisable to intake a lot of greens to boost up the immune system. Also avoid crowded places and do not hang around with a person having flu like symptoms.

Most of the cause is life style related and also might get contracted form the air or family members. Examples are such that when flu enters a family will make sure affect every possible individual. Keeping the immune system strong is the key.

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