Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Abundance 30ml

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0.1 kg
$19.95 $22.95

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Abundance 30ml

This blend of essences opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps to eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears the family patterns. Raises awareness of being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and ‘win-win’ relationships.


  • Feeling impoverished physically, emotionally or spiritually
  • Feeling cut off from the supply chain of life
  • Poverty mentality

Healing Outcomes:

  • Opens to the limitless abundance of the Universe
  • Attune your spirit to joy, optimism and gratitude
  • Clears family patterns around the sense of ‘never-enough’

Ingredients: Purified water, Brandy, Vibrational Flower Essences.
HeartRadiance Essences: Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena & White Wandering Jew.

We only use pure and natural ingredients.
No synthetics, no chemicals, no fillers.

Place seven (7) drops of Dose Essence directly under the tongue, twice a day or as required.