Eczema and Psoriasis

Do you suffer from Itchy Skin - Eczema and Psoriasis

Think about your face for a second. Grab a handheld mirror and take a close look. Many individuals are born with clear unblemished skin and have it their whole lives. And yet, many struggle with skin issues daily, not only on their face but across the entire expanse of their body. In this article we will discuss two common issues that serve as major skin issues.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition where the skin becomes inflamed and irritated. It has the appearance of a rash, but upon closer inspection one can see that it goes beyond something so simple and requires further care. A nearly universal symptom is itching. The skin can appear dry, have a scaly look and appear thickened. We haven't pinned down the exact cause of eczema. However, it is believed that it is an overreaction by the body's immune system. This theory has a lot of weight because the symptoms bear a strong resemblance to allergic reactions such as hives.

How to Fight Eczema

A big part of fighting eczema is to reduce the itching. Itching can lead to scratching, which will then lead to further infection. This naturally leads to the eczema getting worse than it was initially. To fight this, lotions and creams are applied to keep the itching at bay. Because eczema dries out the skin, the lotions can serve the purpose of keeping the skin moist, providing comfort for the individual who suffers with the disease. Expect your doctor to prescribe antibiotics to counter the bacteria causing the eczema. And finally, products containing hydrocortisone are often applied to lessen inflammation.

About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition where your skin cells grow too quickly. Under normal circumstances, skin grows at a certain rate and flakes away within a certain timeframe after its growth. Many people don't even think about the fact that we shed our skin in any form or fashion but we do. Thick, red patches end up showing up on the skin. New skin forms before the old skin can be shed and a pile up occurs. As with eczema, it is believed that this is due to an overreaction of our immune systems.

How to Fight Psoriasis

Caring for your psoriasis is not an easy task. Sometimes it can require using many different combinations of treatments and can continue for long periods of time. Soaks in salts such as epsom or dead sea have been shown to be effective. Lotions and creams can have a soothing effect as well. Prescribed solutions are usually reserved for moderate to severe cases. I would suggest letting your doctor gauge your severity, however. It is very important that instructions are followed closely with regards to any and all routes you choose. Results may not be immediate. But this does not mean that the route you are on is not good for you. Keep up the routine as it may take a week or two in order to see the results you wish to see.

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