ALPS Replacement Filter Cartridge

1 Review
0.79 kg
$67.00 $79.95
Alps Water Filter Six Stage Cartridge

1. Silver Activated Carbon (1st layer of cartridge): Carbon adsorbs chemicals and traps dirt, rust, silt, chemicals and chlorine.

2. Zeolite (2nd layer of cartridge): Zeolite softens water and has a strong affinity for heavy metals and adsorption of harmful elements, including fluoride.

3. Silica Sand (3rd layer of cartridge): Silica promotes healthy bone, connective tissue and helps prevent premature aging, cardiovascular and Alzheimer's disease and keeps water cool and fresh.

4. Mineral Sand (4th layer of cartridge): Mineral sand replenishes minerals lost during the purification process.

5. Ion Exchange Resin (5th layer of cartridge): This process traps fluoride atoms and neutralises them.

6. Far Infra-Red Ceramic Ball