Thursday Plantation - Tea Tree Oil Products

Tea Tree Oil from Thursday Plantation

Tea Tree Oil is also known as Melaleuca oil, is a yellowish colored essential oil made from leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant. The plant is a native Australian plant. It was used as a tea substitutes hence the name. The oil extracted from the leaves was used traditionally as a topical antiseptic and antifungal treatment. Australian aboriginal crushed the leaves of the plant and used it to heal cuts and infections.

Thursday Plantation Tea tree oil is used to treat Athlete’s Foot. Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that affects the skin of the foot. It causes symptoms like itching, inflammations and cracks as well as scaly skin in between the toes. If blisters break they expose small raw areas of tissue that can swell and cause pain. Applying a light coat of Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil two to three times a day will clear up the infection after two weeks. To help you clear your foot infection use Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Foot Spray. It’s an effective and natural remedy.

Use Tea Tree Oil as an Antifungal Treatment from Thursday Plantation

Tea tree oil is used to cure fungal infections of the finger and toenails. Tea tree oil is single handedly the most effective cure for these infections. Try using Thursday Plantation Antifungal for Nails. It contains tea-tree oil to effectively clear your fungal nail infections.

Thursday Plantation Tea tree oil helps to treat mild to moderate acne. Tea tree significantly reduces inflamed and non-inflamed acne lesions. It also has fewer side effects than benzoyl perozide a common blemish fighter .Tree tree also contain antibacterial agent that kills bacteria that cause skin blemishes as well as acts as a solvent to prevent oily mater from clogging up the sebaceous glands and forming pimples. To help cure your acne use our Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Medicated Gel for Acne.

Reduce Dandruff with Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is used to treat mild to moderate dandruff. They significantly reduce symptoms of dandruff. If you are plagued with dry, itchy scalp and just hate harsh chemicals in shampoo try our Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Everyday Shampoo. It will reduce dandruff, clear up bacterial and fungal infections as well as unclog hair follicles leaving you with a healthy scalp.

Use our Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Head lice Kit to get rid of lice. Tea Tree oil kills adult head lice. It totally eradicates all lice from the hair ensuring that none survives and all acts as lice repellant. With regular use of our lice products you family’s hair will be lice free without having to resort to harsh chemicals that cause irritations.

Buy Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil Products for good health from Natural Health Organics online health foods store.

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