Organic Coconut Oil

Organic Coconut Oil, Flakes, Flour, Syrup and Sugar

It’s a well-known fact that coconut is extremely beneficial to our health. It has been used for hundreds of years as food with high nutritional value. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, and contains an estimated 90% saturated fat.

It wasn’t that long ago when coconut was considered to be unhealthy due to its high saturated fat content. Research has shown that the fat in coconut oil has many health benefits, and is now thought of as highly nutritious to humans. Two-thirds of coconut’s overall fat content are medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These fatty acids are relatively smaller compared to most kinds and are easily digested and absorbed by the body. When these fats get metabolised in the body, they’re converted and stored as energy for the body, not as body fat.

Here at Natural Health Organics, we have organic coconut oil, flakes, flour, syrup and sugar, for your cooking and baking needs. Switch to these organic and natural food ingredients, and pave a way to a healthier lifestyle through better dietary choices. Also check our fish oil, MSM Powder and Floradix Iron products which you can take as excellent food supplements, along with a healthier diet.

Organic Coconut Oil for Dietary and Medicinal Purposes

Coconut oil is very stable and can be heated under high temperatures, which makes it the healthiest oil for cooking. It does not get converted into dangerous Trans fatty acids, unlike other kinds of cooking oil. It is highly recommended to use organic coconut oil for your cooking needs, to reap the benefits of a healthier diet. Coconut has components that aid in increasing body metabolism and thyroid activity, making it an effective food ingredient for weight loss.

The lauric acid contained in coconut is what gives it its antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Aside from being an excellent natural medicine, organic coconut oil can also be used as an organic anti-ageing beauty product (e.g., skin lotion, body cream, and moisturiser). Your skin will love it, and it doesn’t leave oily residues.

High-in-Fibre Organic Coconut Oil with No Chemicals Used

Organic coconut oil is a great source of dietary fibre. It is considered as one of the many edible plants with the highest fibre content. You can add it to your breakfast cereal or use it as one of your baking ingredients, as it works well in improving taste as well as digestion.

It eases stomach bloating and other stomach issues such as irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion. Because of its anti-microbial properties, it helps kill bad microbes and parasites in the stomach, allowing for better digestion and nutrient absorption. Natural Health Organics stocks all-natural organic coconut oil without chemicals and other artificial additives, so you are guaranteed of a safe and effective natural product.

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